
Cardinals announce conclave, crowds swell (interesting tidbits inside)
(/snip/)Italy called in the army to help manage the rapidly swelling tumult ahead of Friday's funeral, which is set to be one of the biggest in history, and prepared to shut off the endless queue of faithful who were waiting up to 14 hours to see the body. (/snip/) I pray for peace for this entire process and for the Italian Army in dealing with this massive crowd.

(/snip/) The chairs already laid out in St. Peter's Square will seat President Bush near President Mohammad Khatami of Iran, one of the countries Bush included in his "axis of evil."

Asked if he was worried about a security threat, Rome police chief Serra said: "We have received no worrying indications." (/snip/) With this large a crowd of dignitaries, I hope the Roman police are paying more attention than their chief to security. The seating issue should make for interesting watching with Bush near "President" Khatami, especially in light of a Kurd being elected President in Iraq!
Posted by: BA 2005-04-06