
Judge Orders Biden To Reimplement Key Trump Border Policy
[Daily Wire] HUuuuuge
A federal judge ordered Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration late on Friday to reimplement a key policy from former President Donald Trump that forced foreign nationals seeking to enter the U.S. through the southern border — illegally or without proper documentation — to be returned to Mexico and wait there while their legal cases are adjudicated.

Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk ordered Biden to "enforce and implement [Migrant Protection Protocols, commonly referred to as ’Remain in Mexico’] in good faith until such a time as it has been lawfully rescinded in compliance with the [Administrative Procedure Act] and until such a time as the federal government has sufficient detention capacity to detain all aliens subject to mandatory detention under Section 1255 without releasing any aliens because of a lack of detention resources."

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who filed the lawsuit with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, celebrated the win on social media, tweeting: "Big win for border security!"

"We just won our second immigration lawsuit against the Biden Admin! They unlawfully tried to shut down the legal and effective Remain-in-Mexico program, but Texas and Missouri wouldn’t have it," Paxton’s office wrote in a tweet. "Together we sued, and just handed Biden yet another major loss!"

The judge’s order comes after Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released new statistics yesterday showing that the Biden’s border catastrophe worsened for the sixth consecutive month as U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended 212,672 illegal aliens—the worst month ever recorded by DHS, which was created in 2002.
Posted by: Frank G 2021-08-14