
Harvesting Illegals
More than 1,500 of our soldiers in Iraq have given their lives to ensure America's safety. An emergency military spending bill to keep their comrades supplied with bullets and gasoline passed the House of Representatives last month with the addition of several important domestic security measures, including national standards for state driver's licenses. The Senate will debate the bill next week, and is considering an addition of its own: amnesty for illegal aliens.

I am not making this up. For several years now, Sen. Larry Craig has teamed up with Sen. Ted Kennedy to relentlessly push the AgJobs bill (the Agricultural Job Opportunity, Benefits, and Security Act, currently S. 359), which would grant amnesty to most illegal alien farmworkers, and their families (plus admit many, many more through a harmful "temporary" worker program). Estimates are that as many as three million illegals could take advantage of this amnesty.

Sen. Craig has said he intends to offer his amnesty as an amendment when the military spending bill is considered next week on the Senate floor. His hope is that if his amnesty is added to the Senate version of the bill it will be too difficult for pro-borders Republicans in the House to kill it when the two bodies meet to reconcile the different versions of the bill.
Rest at link
Posted by: ed 2005-04-08