
Man is stabbed in massive brawl between Antifa rioters and anti-vaccine protesters outside Los Angeles city hall
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • A man was stabbed outside City Hall in LA when a fight broke out during anti-vaccine protest on Saturday

  • Protest held to push back against recent vaccine mandates and requirements

  • The Los Angeles City Council voted earlier this week to draw up an ordinance to require proof of vaccination to enter many public indoor spaces in the city

  • On Saturday, LAPD responded to scene where a man was stabbed and the victim was treated by the Los Angeles Fire Department and is expected to recover

  • On Twitter video footage identified some of the participants as members of the far-right Proud Boys

  • Punches could be seen being thrown with one man left bloodied

  • No arrests have been made and an LAPD investigation is ongoing

Posted by: Skidmark 2021-08-15