
Severe Earthquake Hits Tibet
AN earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale has struck a mountainous region in Tibet.

The earthquake struck at 4:04 am (06:04 AEST) 400km west of the holy Tibetan Buddhist city of Shigatse, the Tibet Seismological Bureau reported.
"The nearest residential areas from the epicenter are two villages about 70km away," a bureau official said.

"We're still not sure about any damage caused by the quake."

The Hong Kong Observatory reported earlier the earthquake had struck at 4:11 am.

Xinhua news agency later said the epicentre was near Payang township, along the Tibet-Xinjiang highway.

"There are evident cracks on some buildings but no casualty or accurate damages have been reported yet owing to the country's vast area and scattered population," the report quoted an official as saying.

Strong earthquakes are relatively frequent in Tibet.

Last July, a part of Tibet near the border with Nepal was rattled by a powerful tremor measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale.
Posted by: God Save The World 2005-04-08