
So much for 'Taliban 2.0': Fighters shoot dead journalist as he raises Afghan flag in defiance at Jalalabad protest as Kabul 'car thief' is tarred and locals claim woman was shot dead for not wearing a burqa in rural province
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • The Taliban's 'Angels of Salvation' are going door-to-door to round up suspected looters amid chaos in Kabul

  • Footage shows alleged thieves being dragged out of their homes at gunpoint and being shamed in the street

  • Robbers have their faces tarred and are strapped up to the backs of trucks to be paraded through the city

  • Journalist Zahidullah Nazirzada was reportedly shot dead today raising the Afghan national flag in Jalalabad

  • A young woman was shot dead by Taliban in north of the country for reportedly refusing to wear a hijab

  • Harrowing image shows her parents crouching next to her body as she lies in a pool of blood last week

  • The jihadists have been dubbed 'Taliban 2.0' for their media charm offensive and claims that they are modern

  • But damning evidence proves they still cling to their barbaric world view as they bar refugees from fleeing

  • There was a stampede at the airport on Tuesday as fighters marched around with guns firing warning shots

  • Video showed despairing women at the gates of the airport pleading with US troops to let them through

  • A 21-year-old ex-teacher who fled to Kabul earlier this year said she was now afraid to leave the house

  • An ex-interpreter watched as the Taliban raided his home via an app as he remains holed up in a safehouse

  • One man said he saw his neighbour being dragged out of his house, the Taliban said he would hang tomorrow

Posted by: Skidmark 2021-08-19