
Star Trek Actor Says Religious Americans 'as Fanatical' as the Taliban
[NEWSBUSTERS.ORG] As we approach the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks it is interesting to look back and see how American culture has changed in that two-decade time span. Back then mainstream culture (sorta) rallied around God and country against our enemy, the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
and Al Qaeda. Today the culture sees those same people that believe in God and country as bad or worse than the Taliban. My, how things change.
Maybe we need a "file under" heading for "Stupid."
In yet another example of how our society has gone off the deep end, Hollywood actor and Star Trek: Voyager star Tim Russ
smeared religious Americans in a highly disgusting manner. The elitist snob actually tweeted how Americans that believe in God are "as fanatical" as the Taliban. Um, come again, Mr. Russ? You do know that religious Americans believe in religious freedom for all, right, whereas the Taliban just enslave, maim and/or kill whoever disagrees with their religious tenets.
As a practicing Agnostic, I fall under the heading of "Non-religious Americans." Oh, how I've suffered at the hands of the Talibanistic religious folks who... ummm... haven't done anything to me.
As a Christian, I am not above saying, "Go fuck yourself!"
After the horribly botched departure of American forces from Afghanistan which started last weekend, Russ took one look at the bloodthirsty Taliban forces, our Middle Eastern enemy for the last 20 years, and thought, "you know, there’s no difference between that and the little old church lady who smiles at me and says, ’God Bless you.’"
Us agnostics don't do that. We just say "Have a nice day." Or we don't. That's how you can tell from those fanatical religious folk.
What about the southern admonishment, "Bless your heart"?
Russ wrote, "The Taliban are as fanatical about their beliefs and culture as the millions of people right here in the U.S. who believe in religion, conspiracy theories, and alternate reality." Ahem, Mr. Russ, your bigotry is showing. So is your abject stupidity.
So file under "Stupid" and forget about it. He's a dipshit. What'd you expect from an actor?
Posted by: Fred 2021-08-21