
Nasrallah takes aim at opposition
Hassan's making a pretty bald-faced declaration that no damned democratic elections are going to have an effect on what Hezbollah does. There must have been a fresh shipment of money, guns, and lawyers from Teheran this week.
Hizbullah's leader slammed the opposition Friday saying they were avoiding any serious dialogue over Lebanon's future, concentrating only on disarming the resistance and ignoring Israel's increased violations of the country's territories.
That means they haven't given in to what Nasrallah and his Iranian puppet masters want. I consider that a good sign, even though he obviously doesn't...
Speaking during a funeral service at the Shahed Compound in Beirut's southern suburbs, Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said: "Just because we said dialogue does not exclude the arms, all opposition leaders forgot all other issues and concentrated on disarming Hizbullah as though the arms are the core of the Lebanese problem."
Perhaps they regard the arms as being the core of the Lebanese problem? The Lebanese problem, after all, boils down to the aftermath of a brutal civil war. Other groups have given up their arms, at least openly, and only Hezbollah retains them. What's that say about future prospects?
According to Nasrallah, the opposition's leaders have told the resistance group that dialogue and negotiations can wait until after the coming parliamentary elections. He said: "What would change after the elections? Are they expecting a 'decisive victory'? They are mistaken if they think any shift in the balance of power could get them what they want. This country does not work along the concept of winners and losers."
Somebody was commenting yesterday on Hezbollah's quaint Nazi-style salute. They use that because they're Nazis. Dictatorships don't work along the concept of winners and losers in elections; they work along the concept of Fearless Leader deciding and the myrmidons executing. If Joe Voter doesn't like it, they'll break his head.
Debate about disarming Hizbullah has resurfaced since Syria began withdrawing its troops from Lebanon in the wake of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Nasrallah said the opposition is merely stalling and described the dialogue between its members and loyalists this week as illusions aimed at deceiving the Lebanese people and giving them false hope.
"We prefer that they remain hopeless..."
In his accusations, he included all "moderate and immoderate" opposition leaders with whom he has met, saying they were sending "the wrong message as though stances and alliances are actually changing."
"And they're not. We're gonna make sure they don't."

Posted by: Fred 2005-04-09