
Mark Steyn: Dead Superpower Walking
[JEWISHWORLDREVIEW] The War on Terror began with men plunging to their deaths from the highest floors of skyscrapers hit by airplanes; it ended with men plunging to their deaths from the undercarriage of a US airplane taking off from what's left of "Hamid Karzai International Airport" (the signs will be coming down even as you read this).

America is a global laughingstock right now, but that's no reason not to give Chairman Xi and Putin and every up-country village headman in Helmand a few more yuks. Step forward, State Department spokeswanker Ned Price:

State Department calls for Taliban to include women in its government

The United States is dead as a global power because of this kind of indestructible stupidity. You've lost, you blew it, it's over: The goatherds just decapitated you; could you at least have the self-respect not to run around like a headless chicken too stupid to know it's nogginless? Or like a broken doll lying on its back with its mechanism jammed on the same simpleton phrases: "Diversity is our strength... diversity is our strength..."

Contrast the Washington presser with that in Kabul:

Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid says 'We have defeated a great power.'

Hmm. Ned Price vs Zabiullah Mujahid: tough call. The mountain of non-existent dollar bills that the bloated husk of federal government blows through every minute surely should buy sufficient self-awareness to know that, whatever else it may be, this is not a day for wankery as usual. Even CNN has a more proximate relationship to reality.

Just for the record, the Kingdom of Afghanistan introduced votes for women in 1964 - whereas Switzerland did not get even a very limited female franchise until 1971, and full suffrage not until the Nineties.

Yet, oddly, every Pushtun warlord prefers to keep his retirement account in Zurich.

Posted by: Fred 2021-08-24