
Lebanon Truck With Hidden Bomb Seized
A truck loaded with 40 kilograms of explosives was seized overnight while on its way toward the Syrian border, outgoing state minister Albert Mansur said yesterday. "The truck loaded with explosives was heading to Syria, according to sources of the investigation," Mansur said on LBCI television. Police said security forces had seized a Hyundai truck in the northeastern district of Hermel, a few kilometers from Syria. They said the explosives were hidden under carts of vegetables. The driver, identified as Muwafaq Ibrahim, from the village of Hawsh Hala near the main eastern city of Zahleh, was arrested, they said.

Lebanese security forces raided houses in the border village of Al-Qaa, in the eastern Bekaa Valley, looking for evidence. It was not clear whether the two detained men had any links to four bombings that have rocked Christian suburbs of Beirut over the past three weeks, raising fears of a slide back into Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war. In the latest sign of rising tensions, a hand grenade was lobbed down a street in the Christian mountain village of Duhur Al-Shweir earlier on Friday night, but no one was wounded and no property damaged, security sources said.
Posted by: Fred 2005-04-10