
Not Incompetence: Afghanistan and Globalism
[American Thinker] Is the Biden administration's messy withdrawal from Afghanistan incompetence, or is it exactly as planned? Is there a hidden globalist plan aimed at empowering Islamic governments in the Mideast? If yes, how would empowering the Taliban fit in the larger plan of globalists and believers in the New World Order?

Socialists and globalists, whose home today is in the Democrat party, have been speaking about their lofty plans for decades, constantly testing the waters of public opinion and speaking from both sides of their mouths. They insert insane ideas in the American psyche, then quickly deny they really said what they said. After speaking about her dream of an open border, Hillary Clinton denied her comments by saying she meant only to call for reforms but not open borders. But if we dare take their comments seriously, we are branded conspiracy theorists.

After decades of listening to the far left, by now we, the people of America, should more or less know where the modern-day Democrat party intends to take America and how these people envision the world. Now it's up to us to put two and two together and start uncovering what the deceptive left is really telling us. Those who reject globalism and the New World Order should start analyzing and exposing globalist policies. We should stop accusing the left of being incompetent because it is not.

All we need to do is listen to globalists — their plans, lies, hidden agendas — and expose them even when they give us double-messages aimed at throwing us off if we take their words seriously. We can't be intimidated when they accuse us of being conspiracy theorists. It's time to put the socialist-globalist agenda into perspective and connect it with their policies and behavior, instead of just calling them incompetent or accuse them of not caring about the unintended consequences. This is because the consequences are actually intended.

Western globalists aim at eliminating borders between nations, and they have no problem starting themselves, in America and Western Europe. Such an agenda, if fully understood, should explain why modern-day Democrats have no fear of China while fearing and hating their own patriotic citizens who oppose globalism and love American sovereignty. It's unimaginable that Democrats defended China over their own President Trump, calling him "racist" after he referred to COVID as the "China Virus."
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-08-28