
'Biden is not a Gold Star father and should stop playing one on TV': George W. Bush speechwriter pens scathing Op-Ed criticizing President for repeatedly invoking son Beau's death
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news] 'He has variously denied making any mistakes, claimed he anticipated the entire mess, and wherever possible blamed Donald Trump.

'He also dodges the hard question by constantly insisting the issue in contention is his decision to leave rather than the deadly hash he’s made of it.

'And he bizarrely keeps invoking his son, the late Maj. Beau Biden, a Delaware Army National Guard lawyer who served honorably in Baghdad and whose early death from brain cancer was tragic but has nothing to do with Afghanistan, much less the 11 Marines, Navy corpsman and Army soldier killed in Thursday’s suicide bombing.

Posted by: Skidmark 2021-09-06