
Pre-trial hearings for five 9/11 suspects delayed for 18 months by COVID resume at Guantanamo Bay
  • [Daily Mail, Where America Gets Its News] On Tuesday the cases against five 9/11 suspects will resume, with pre-trial hearings being held for the first time since February 2020

  • Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, described as the 'mastermind' of the plot, is one of the five whose case will resume

  • Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash, Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi will also have their cases advance

  • The five all face the death penalty if convicted but much of their defense rests on the fact that they were all tortured while in custody

  • The 10 days of hearings are expected to be largely dealing with administrative issues and the five are not thought likely to address the court

  • There have been more than 40 rounds of pretrial hearings since the five detainees were arraigned in May 2012

  • No date has been set for their trial to begin and Joe Biden has said he wishes to close Guantanamo Bay - but he has not given indication of when

Posted by: Fred 2021-09-08