
Americans Turned Away from Virginia Hospitals Because of Influx of Afghan Evacuees
[PJ] Old Joe Biden’s handlers are bringing 94,000 Afghan evacuees into the United States, at the cost of $6.4 billion of your money. The overall cost, however, may end up being even higher than that, and even the establishment media’s most committed far-Left propaganda organs are noticing. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that "[t]he mass arrival of Afghan evacuees last month, many in need of medical care, wreaked havoc on Northern Virginia’s hospital system — prompting a regional emergency response group to assume oversight after one hospital became overwhelmed with patients and federal officials lost track of where some Afghans were hospitalized, officials said."

This has involved the denial of care to Americans: "a hospital near the Dulles Expo Center that federal officials designated as a go-to spot for medical treatment began running out of available beds, forcing the hospital to turn away non-Afghan patients who weren’t in need of critical care, said Nickerson, who also directs the Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance and declined to name the hospital."

Here in a nutshell is the America-Last policy of Biden’s handlers: America’s infrastructure is crumbling, there are many people in need right here, working Americans are laboring under a tax burden that is already crushing and is about to get worse, and, as all this is going on, migrants are given priority over Americans for medical care and the American taxpayer is expected to foot the bill. "Area leaders have been asking the Biden administration to pay for the mounting cost of keeping track of the hospitalized evacuees and for giving them rides back to the Dulles Expo Center — where they have been temporarily housed — after a federal contractor took hours to retrieve some of the evacuees who were ready to be discharged." In that sentence, "Biden administration" means hardworking Americans who have jobs and work hard to support their families while also paying for the resettlement and heathcare of Afghan evacuees, among whom is an unknowable number of jihad terrorists.
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-09-14