
Joe Biden Bans Officials from Using Horses to Secure the Border - based on fake news

[BREITBART] President Joe The Big Guy Biden
...46th president of the U.S. Former Senator-for-Life from Delaware, an example of the kind of top-notch Washington intellect hacked up by the World's Greatest Deliberative Body. The guy who single-handedly lost Afghanistan...
will ban officials from using horses while securing the border, days after controversial photographs emerged of agents on horses confronting Haitian migrants colonists the White House confirmed Thursday.

"[W]e will no longer be using horses in Del Rio," White House press secretary Jen Psaki
...a valley girl who woke up one morning and found she was spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of State under Obama. A new American success story, under Biden she became spokeswoman for the whole administration, and she was even able to get her sister a job...
said during the daily press briefing with news hounds.

Psaki cited the ban as proof that the president was upset by the images, after members of Congress and activists voiced their outrage that these tactics were happening during Biden’s presidency.

Psaki defended Biden for failing to publicly condemn the images.

"His actions make clear how horrible and horrific he thinks these things are," she said.

Rep. The Ageless and Downright Brilliant Comrade Maxine Impeach 45! Waters
...U.S. Representative for California's 43rd congressional district, serving since 1991, a total of 29.81435 years. A member of the Democratic Party, she is the most senior of the twelve black women currently serving in the United States Congress, and a member and former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. Before becoming a member of Congress she served in the California Assembly, to which she was first elected back when Disco was in flower, in 1976, which would make it 44.81229 years. She has been a politician for virtually all her adult life. If she was a little brighter she'd be a Communist...
(D-CA) called the incident "worse than slavery."

"I’m pissed," she said during a presser Wednesday. "And I’m not just unhappy with the cowboys who were running down Haitians and using their reins to whip them. I’m unhappy with the administration. We are following the Trump policy."

"Cracking a fucking whip on Haitians fleeing hardship shows you that this system simply can’t be reformed," Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) wrote on social media.

Biden’s Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pushed back on the claim that agents were using whips on people and that the images captured the long separated reins used to control their horses.

He later said he was "horrified" by the images and said the incident was under investigation.

Activists compared the border agents to slave hunters.

Vice President Kámala Harris
Former Oakland mayor Willie Brown's former mistress, then a senatrix from California, and then a former 2020 Dem presidential hopeful. She dropped out because she was polling in negative numbers because of racism or misogyny or something like that. Her father is a Marxist professor emeritus at Stanford and her mother is an Indian of the Hindoo tribe. She is reputedly the proud descendant of a long line of women. Joe Biden picked her for her skin tone, feeling she could also bring in the Native American, women's, and bimbo votes. She's an outstanding exemplar of the Peter Principle, proudly displaying her level of competence in her handling of the Biden Border Surge
voiced her outrage at the photos on Tuesday calling for an investigation.

"I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there," she said. "But human beings should never be treated that way. I’m deeply troubled about it."
The National Review points out:
An unnamed Border Patrol agent told Townhall’s Julio Rosas that mounted agents often twirl their reins to keep migrants colonists at a distance so they’re not crushed underfoot.

Ortiz said that he did not believe that the reins had been used to strike any refugees and none of the photos or videos that have circulated of the interactions appear to show the reins making contact with migrants colonists.
Posted by: Fred 2021-09-24