
Turkey to buy more Russian missile systems
[Hot Air] More on this article yesterday
Yesterday, we kicked around the question of whether or not Pakistan can truly be considered an ally of the United States and the rest of the western nations. My unfortunate conclusion was that the government of Pakistan hasn’t been a true ally for quite some time, but we’re sort of stuck with them in a dysfunctional relationship, for the time being, lacking many viable alternatives in the region. A bit of news that broke last night reminds us of another country that will likely fall into the same category. That would be Turkey. While I’ve covered the various sins of Recep Tayyip Erdogan here in the past on more occasions than I could count, he’s still making inflammatory moves to remind us that he is in bed with America’s adversaries far more so than he is with the west. Despite warnings from the United States and the rest of Turkey’s supposed NATO allies, Erdogan is seemingly planning to purchase another shipment of the Russian S-400 missile system.

Turkey’s president has said he would consider buying a second Russian missile system in defiance of strong objections by the United States.

Posted by: Frank G 2021-09-27