
Two stories highlight why the Second Amendment matters so much
[American Thinker] Today’s news forcibly reminded me why our Second Amendment matters so much. The abstract principles behind it make eminent sense but two news stories really bring home how wise our Founders were to include the people’s right to bear arms in our Bill of Rights.

Although few people remember this fact, the first shots fired at Lexington and Concord in 1775 occurred because British troops were heading to Boston to seize arms and powder that the colonists had been gathering. That battle sparked an eight-year-long revolution against a tyrannical government that held that colonists were money-making machines for the British homeland while denying them their rights.

When the Americans secured their victory, they understood that it couldn’t have occurred without their access to arms—access long guaranteed to British Protestants under the Bill of Rights of 1689. It was therefore a "no brainer" for the Founders to remind the federal government, via the Second Amendment, that the people have an inherent right to keep and bear arms, one that is subject to only the lightest and most necessary infringement.

The Founders’ wisdom has been borne out by the history of the 20th and (to date) 21st centuries. Although the drive-by media loves to lead with stories about gun crimes, there are two data points even more significant than the fact that most seem to occur in Democrat-run, heavily gun-controlled regions.

The first is that, per a CDC study published under the Obama administration, having a gun is the safest self-defense strategy. Even more significantly, defensive use of guns occurred between 500,000 to 3 million times per year, far outweighing the annual 30,000-40,000 gun deaths in America (most of which are suicides).
Posted by: Besoeker 2021-09-27