
Moment student teen mom, 18, left brain dead after being shot in back of head by school safety officer
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Mona Rodriguez was shot leaving Millikan High School in Long Beach Monday

  • She was driving away having gotten into a fight with a 15-year-old girl when a school safety officer shot into the vehicle, which had two other people inside

  • The father of Rodriguez's child said officer gave no warning before shooting

  • Long Beach Police are investigating the officer's use of lethal force and the school safety officer, who has not been named, has been placed on leave

  • Superintendent Jill Baker said safety officers are 'highly trained and held accountable to the established standards in their profession'

  • Rodriguez's family pleaded with hospital to keep her on life support

  • She had a five-month old son

Posted by: Skidmark 2021-10-01