
Algerian Terrorist Narks 100 Comrades Over Two Years' Interrogation
Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian convicted of plotting to bomb Los Angeles International Airport on the eve of the millennium, gave investigators detailed information on more than 100 potential terrorists in interviews that stretched over two years, according to court documents filed in anticipation of his sentencing this month. "Among the individuals he discussed were people whose names meant nothing to us when first heard, but were later identified as significant players in al-Qaida and other terrorist networks," Ressam's lawyers wrote in outlining his cooperation.

Ressam was caught smuggling a trunkload of bomb-making materials into the United States through Port Angeles in December 1999. He was convicted in April 2001 of nine charges, including terrorist conspiracy. Facing as much as 130 years in prison, he cut a deal with the Justice Department and began cooperating with authorities in exchange for a 27-year prison sentence. From May 10, 2001, to April 27, 2003, Ressam spent more than 200 hours speaking with authorities about terrorist networks and people with potential connections to them. He also spent 65 hours testifying during depositions or trials, his lawyers wrote.

Among the topics Ressam covered were training camps in Afghanistan, terrorist recruitment, training, cell locations, general targets, the ideology of the movements, weapons and technology, explosives making, chemicals used in constructing explosives and the use of safe houses. Much of the information Ressam provided remains secret. The documents filed publicly in U.S. District Court in Seattle this week offer merely an outline of his cooperation; a more detailed summary, along with the report of a Boston psychiatrist who specializes in the effects of solitary confinement on prisoners, was filed under seal. Federal prosecutors on Wednesday wrote that they planned to review the detailed summary and decide by April 25 what sections, if any, should be made public. Ressam's sentencing is scheduled for April 27.

U.S. District Judge John Coughenour, who will impose sentence, has described Ressam's assistance as "startlingly helpful." Ressam's testimony helped convict Mokhtar Haouari of supplying fake identification and cash for the millennium bomb plot. Haouari was sentenced in New York to 24 years in prison. He also provided information about Haydar Abu Doha, an Algerian national who is in British custody awaiting extradition to the United States, where he is charged with orchestrating the plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport. In December 2002, Ressam met with German justice officials who questioned him about al-Qaida for the trial of a Moroccan charged with supporting the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist hijackers. The Moroccan, Mounir el Motassadeq, was convicted in February 2003 and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Ressam also spoke with terrorism investigators from Canada, Italy, Spain and Great Britain, his lawyers wrote.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2005-04-14