
COVID-19+ Lessons Learned and Still Learning
Analysis by Rantburg’s own NN2N1.
As of Yesterday 10-18-2021
3.35% of the world was claimed to have had COVID-19+.
0.068% of 1% of the world is claimed to have died from Covid-19+.

that Government still does not fully grasp.

1. Know your problem before running off half cocked.

2. Only let the non-politically aligned experts define the problem and make recommendations.

3. After meetings with the experts and congressional leadership, only the President should be making National Level statements and explaining decisions.

4. Indicate whom provided the facts and what and why decisions were based on. Because it tends to keep the experts honest to avoid professional and public embarrassment.

5. Only State Governors, not Mayors, should make State/Local level decisions and then only based on state area data and related issues.

6. Do not use and avoid experts that:
a) previously have a bad track record for accuracy,
b) have only flown a desk and have not been actively hands on with the situation,
c) tend to pander to Politicians and elitists with non-national agendas,
d) rely on anonymously written computer models,
e) love Media Notoriety and run to the cameras every chance they get.

7. Do not use or trust how figures are arrived at by 3rd parties:
a) Establish how official figures will be collected from the start.
b) Establish who is responsible for the figures.
c) Establish a standardized and use a consistent publicly understandable way of presenting figures.
d) If presentation issues change, or issues arise then so state, explain and move on.
e) If any figures were deliberately falsified, then any person(s) involved should be criminally charged.

8. Regarding data figures.
a) Always show weekly Infected, cured and death rate together. Always Put things in proper prospective.
b) Remember Guesstimates only cause Panic.... Never use them.
c) Show which demographic groups are being more seriously affected and factually explain why?
d) Show what environments are causing the most seriously issues.
e) Never allow media, politicians or others to sell panic over Facts for revenue & attention.
f) Any Federal, State or media person spewing hype and panic over facts should be exposed and removed from public media access.

9. Media Updates
a) The Pandemic or its updates should NEVER be allowed to become a Political Circus.
b) Call out all public figures and violators that publish misleading facts.
c) Refuse to answer future questions from such violators and openly explain why.
d) All questions should be related to Current Known Data, no predictive data.
e) Explain how it is being addressed and what the next steps are in the plan..
f) Avoid politics and politically based agendas of those focused on Blame and not solutions.
g) If a reporter presents inaccurate misleading open ended data in a question, point it out BEFORE answering, or rephrase the question to properly answer it.
h) If a media person goes on a blame game agenda, call them out for it.
i) Do NOT feed those 2nd guessing actions for personal or political reasons with answers.
j) Do not tolerate a person or media outlet that is trying use a press briefing to become a celebrity or cause a news worthy political agenda spectacle. Warn them and openly remind them they are there to collect news, not become part of the news. If they continue, terminate the press briefing and post the facts to the official website along with an explanation why.
k) Develop and post a written set of Rules of Decorum expected of all media and persons present. Clearly state if not followed then what action will be taken and have all media sign the agreement.

10. When all is said and done. Hold a Closeout historical briefing of official findings, handling stumbles, issues encountered and mistakes made in handling the emergency. Post this on a publicly accessible website.

NOTE: Your additional suggestions and Lesson Learned are welcomed.
Posted by: NN2N1 2021-10-19