
Police and Hizbullah clash in Aramoun
An armed conflict broke out on Saturday in the town of Aramoun, between the municipality's police and members of Hizbullah. As the municipality's police were carrying out an order of the municipality to remove loudspeakers from a residential center in the area of Rashid Solh hill, Hizbullah members stopped them from doing their duty, which led to a conflict that developed into an armed fight. The Lebanese Army intervened and arrested six members of the police and two other people.
Okay. My surprise meter's working. It just pegged.
The mayor of Aramoun, Sheikh Fadil Jawhari, held a press conference Sunday, in the presence of members of the municipality and officials in which he clarified the causes of the incident, praised the role of Hizbullah in liberating the South and urged the party's officials to help resolve this conflict.
Oh. I see. They're scared spitless of Hezbollah. Sorry. I forgot.
Jawhari said: "The residents had submitted a complaint, asking us to remove the loudspeakers, which were set up on the roof of the building, and we transferred the complaint to the police." He added that he had agreed with Hizbullah officials that they would remove all of the speakers except one, but none of the speakers were removed.
"Don't nobody tell us what to do!"
Jawhari explained that some Hizbullah members stopped the police from taking down the loudspeakers, threatening them with their weapons. Jawhari said: "We don't accept that the weapons of Hizbullah be used against the Lebanese people."
"But we'll arrest anybody that screws with Hezbollah!"

Posted by: Fred 2005-04-18