
Bill de Blasio's parting Orwellian insult to NYC parents
[NYPOST] "It’s theater at best," state Sen. John Liu says of Team de Blasio’s parent-outreach drive on shutting down Gifted & Talented programs. "But theater is entertaining and not harmful. This evokes the worst portrayals of Orwellian government."

Right, and that’s not even the worst of it.

Mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio
...cryptocommie mayor of New York and for some reason a Dem candidate for president in 2020. Corrupt and incompetent, his qualifications for office seem to consist of being married to a black woman, with whom he honeymooned in Cuba. He has a preppy-looking son named Dante, whose Divine Comedy involved getting his back hair up when a police car drove past him slowly. New Yorkers voted for him, so they deserve him...
nixed all current G&T programs last month, effective next year, without even seeking parents’ input — claiming the Department of Education would do that afterward.

Crucially, Mayor-elect Eric Adams
...retired New York City police captain, member of the New York State Senate, first Black Brooklyn borough president, law and order Dem after a brief fling with the Publicans. The New York Times isn't fond of him, suspecting he may not actually be black...
has given every sign he’ll veto the move, rightly saying the answer is more G&T, not less. Yet the DOE is moving ahead with its version of "outreach," which consists of Zoom meetings where parents can’t get a word in as ideologues simply lecture.

"They pretend to get viewpoints, but in the end it’s all predetermined to support the DOE’s proposal," Chien Kwok of Community Education Council 2 in Manhattan told The Post.

In at least one "meeting," pro-G&T parents found they literally couldn’t speak, as the DOE disabled their chat function.

Lecturing parents under the pretext of listening to them so you can push a disastrous progressive "reform" that isn’t going to happen is an insulting waste of everyone’s time and money: What a perfect parting reminder of everything New York has come to despise about this mayor.
Posted by: Fred 2021-11-06