
Zakarova said the US must act first to resolve visa crisis
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[REGNUM] US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who visited Moscow in October, went to Washington with a specific assignment to rectify the situation that has led to a dead end in Russian-American relations.

This was announced on November 7 by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Maria Zakharova on the air of the TV channel "Russia 1".

Answering the question whether there is a chance that it will be possible to resolve the visa crisis and other problems with the United States, Zakharova said: "This is not a chance, this is a specific task with which Mrs. Nuland left the territory of the Russian Federation."

"If they want to move further, into any future of bilateral relations, normal, including along this line, they must take a number of practical steps. To unblock the situation, which they themselves led to a dead end," explained the representative of the ministry.

Earlier, the US State Department ranked Russian citizens as "homeless nationalities" who cannot obtain an American visa on the territory of their country. In addition, Washington has blocked access to Russian diplomatic property in the United States, refusing Moscow to resolve this issue.

Posted by: badanov 2021-11-08