
Al Aqsa thug iced near Jenin...
Near the northern West Bank town of Jenin, two Palestinian militiamen were tracked by Israeli forces as they left a home in the village of Ja'a around midnight Monday. Armored vehicles and helicopters moved into the area, and there was sustained fire. Walid Hafez, a grocery store owner, said he and other members of the village on Tuesday found two bodies under a tree and behind a rock, where they apparently tried to take cover. "We found a lot of bullet casings near the bodies," Hafez said. Both were members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. One was Ali Ajouri, 23, accused by Israel of having sent two suicide bombers who blew themselves up in Tel Aviv on July 17. Three foreign workers and two Israelis were killed in the attack. The military recently demolished the home of Ajouri's family in the Askar refugee camp near Nablus. A brother and sister of Ajouri have been ordered deported to the Gaza Strip, but the order is being challenged in court.
I'm actually uncomfortable with the home demolitions, not that my opinion's worth any more than you pay for it. I'm very supportive of killings like this one, though. Hamas, al-Aqsa, and Islamic Jihad are all waging a war of extermination on Israelis. The counterwar, to be effective, has to be a war of extermination against Hamas, al-Aqsa and Islamic Jihad. That doesn't mean againt the entire Paleostinian people, no matter how much they support the killers; perfectly law-abiding Germans used to support the SA and SS. Once those Bad Guys were defeated, most forgot that they ever liked that guy with the Charlie Chaplain moustache.

Being affiliated with any one of those three groups — be it military wing, political wing, or shaking a can asking for donations — has to become a death sentence. Offer an amnesty every six months or so, maybe, so anyone who's changed his mind and hasn't killed anyone yet can repent and be saved, but otherwise kill them on sight, root them out in their homes, their places of work, their government offices, wherever they are, and kill them. Mere membership in any of those three organizations has to be made just as fatal as strapping on a dynamite belt.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-06