
Border Patrol Watch To Expand To Other States
The leaders of the volunteer "Minuteman" border patrol are planning expansion. They say they will not only continue watching the Arizona-Mexico border into the summer, but hope to have volunteers along the border from Texas to California by October. They also say they plan to pursue legal action against large U.S. companies that knowingly employ illegals.
A good argument can be made that such businesses are in violation of the RICO statutes, but the federal courts have determined that illegals have no right to sue these companies to force compliance of minimum wage, labor and health laws, or even for forbidding illegals to unionize. That is, using them as near-slave labor. So the Minutemen will actually have to prove "standing" against these companies to sue them for violating laws the authorities refuse to enforce. 'Statutory Neglect' is hard to get around.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2005-04-19