
The Memo: Democrats may rue pursuit of Bannon
Mr. Bannon has been saying much the same.
[TheHill] Democrats and other critics of former President Trump celebrated when criminal charges were leveled against Stephen Bannon late last week.

But the political downside of the pursuit of Bannon is becoming clearer by the day.

There’s no guarantee that the underlying purpose of the prosecution — to compel Bannon to cooperate with the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection — will work.

Bannon may ultimately prefer the risk of a fairly short jail sentence, and the martyrdom it would confer on him from Trump supporters, over testifying.

Even if he were to cooperate, the question then becomes whether the public will learn anything more damning than it already knows about Bannon and his former boss.

After all, Bannon said on his podcast the day before the riot that "all hell is going to break loose tomorrow." And Trump’s central role in inciting the insurrection was so blatant that he became the first president in American history to be impeached twice.
^ That is a blatant lie and an injection of hack partisan opinion, typical of The Hill
Above all, the criminal case has given Bannon the biggest platform he has enjoyed in years.

The news that he had been indicted on two counts of contempt of Congress on Friday was the lead story on the websites of The New York Times and other leading news organizations.

Bannon’s initial court appearance on Monday was another media circus, with network newscasts running footage of Trump’s former chief White House strategist lambasting the prosecution and President Biden. Bannon live streamed his comments outside the court on the social network Gettr, a favorite among pro-Trump conservatives.
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed 2021-11-17