
Iran demands progress in nuclear talks with EU-3
I know, surprised me too.
LONDON - Iran will end nuclear talks with three European powers unless its ideas for a compromise are accepted as the basis for future negotiations, a senior Iranian official said in remarks published on Wednesday.

Hassan Rowhani, head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, said Iran would walk away from the negotiations with Britain, France and Germany if no "tangible progress" were made soon.

Finally Sharing Washington's suspicions that Iran may be planning to develop nuclear arms, the EU trio has offered Iran political and economic incentives to scrap its uranium enrichment programme, which can produce reactor fuel but could also give Tehran the capability to make bomb-grade material.

Rowhani gave no specific details of Iran's proposed compromise, but diplomats have told Reuters Tehran wants to run a small plant for enriching uranium and keep the door open to fitting it with tens of thousands of centrifuges to produce enriched-uranium fuel on an industrial scale. "The Europeans should tell us whether these ideas can work as the basis for continued negotiations or not," Rowhani told Britain's Financial Times newspaper in an interview.
"If you're not going to give us the store, we'll just have to leave."
"If yes, fine. If not, then the negotiations cannot continue. These ideas are the very last possible ideas that we could come up with as compromise options."

Two days of EU-Iran nuclear working group talks began in Geneva on Tuesday and are due to continue at a more senior level in London on April 29. "If we see tangible progress, we are willing to continue," Rowhani said in a transcript of the interview carried on the newspaper's Web site. "We have informed the Europeans of the nature of the progress we must have by April 29. We have put a number of very clear ideas on the table. The ball is now in the European court."
It always was. Either the Euros come to see the Mad Mullahs for what they are, or they learn to live -- again -- under the threat of nuclear anniliation.

Posted by: Steve White 2005-04-20