
Netanyahu describes PA as a bunch of terrorist militias
The Israeli financial minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has severely criticized the PA chief, Mahmoud Abbas, and accused him of doing nothing to stop Palestinian armed operations against Israeli targets. "He is not a peace partner", Netanyahu said of Abbas during a party in an Israeli settlement held to observe the Jewish Passover. He called for intensifying the occupation of the Palestinian lands describing them as Israeli lands.

Netanyahu described the PA as groups of "terrorist militias". None in the PA was trying to dismantle the resistance factions' infrastructure, thus, we don't have, indeed, a real peace partner, according to the finance minister. "He is not advocating terrorism as what the late Yasser Arafat used to do, but, at the same time, he is not doing anything to stop it as what the late Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat, and Jordan King Hussein, did" he added.
Posted by: Fred 2005-04-20