
Russian Bad Weather Report
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[REGNUM] On Wednesday, November 24, it will be cloudy in Krasnoyarsk with clearings, sometimes light snow, air temperature -1 to +1 degrees C, ice on the roads. This is reported by the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation.

At 09:20 it was about 0 degrees C at Teatralnaya Square.

At night from 24 to 25 November it is expected to reach −3 to +0 degrees C, with snow at times.

The speed of the west wind is 5-10 m/s, in gusts up to 13-18 m/s. Pressure - 735 mm Hg. Art.

On Thursday, November 25, in Krasnoyarsk up to −3 to −1 degrees C, cloudy, snow. At night, up to −5 to −3 degrees C.

On Friday, November 26, in Krasnoyarsk it is expected up to -10 to -5 degrees C during the day and up to -16 to -14 degrees C at night, cloudy, no precipitation.

According to forecasts of the Central Siberian UGMS, on November 24, in the south of the Taimyr Municipal District (MR) and in the Turukhansk District, in places a gusty south wind up to 15-20 m/s, a blizzard.

In the central and southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Khakassia and Tuva, a strong westerly wind is expected in gusts of up to 15-20 m/s, in some places up to 25 m/s, in the mountains there is heavy snow in places, ice on the roads.

On November 24-26, avalanche dangers increased in the mountainous regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia and Tuva.

Sharp cooling is expected in Omsk, Tomsk and Novosibirsk
[REGNUM] A sharp cold snap by 9-12 degrees is expected in the Omsk, Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions at the end of this week. On November 23, the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, announced this to reporters.

The specialist clarified that at present in the south of Western Siberia, in the Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk regions, the temperature is close to the climatic norm. However, from November 26, a sharp cooling is expected in these regions and frosty weather will set in. At night, it is expected -16 to -21 degrees, during the day the air temperature will be -11 to -16 degrees.

At the same time, in the regions of the Volga Federal District (VFD), according to Vilfand, a slight warming is expected, by one or two degrees. The air temperature will be + 2 to -2 degrees.

Posted by: badanov 2021-11-24