
News from the Other Side: Taliban May Stage Comeback
Source: SANA, via Jihad Unspun
Afghanistan's former defence minister, Shahnawaz Tanai [defense minister under the Najibulla regime], has spoken of a possibility that the country's former ruling Taliban Islamic militia might stage a come back.
They'll keep looking for an opening. Tanai admitting they could make a comeback — anything's possible — is a far cry from calling for such a comeback...
In an interview with SANA, Tanai said, however, it would be difficult for Taliban leaders to face the Afghan nation. He criticized Taliban policies and said their political policies were against the interests of Afghanistan as well as international norms. "I had stated several times in the past that Taliban are sons of the soil and could not eliminated," he said. Tanai believed the war-ravaged country cannot see a stable central government unless the armed groups are disarmed. In a veiled reference to the Northern Alliance, Tanai said that the interim government of Hamid Karzai faces problems to disarm warlords.
You might say that. Most people have been saying that, to include some of the warlords...
Afghanistan still have Northern Alliance and Shura-e-Nazar of Qasim Faheem, Junbish-e-Milli of General Rashid Dostum and his own fiefdoms by Governor Heraat Ismail Khan and Pacha Khan Zadran in Paktia.
Zadran's got to be rooted out and killed eventually. The other three at this point do more good than harm. Ten years from now things might be different...
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-06