
Warning Issued To Australians Over Gallipoli Ceremonies
AUSTRALIANS travelling to Gallipoli for Anzac Day services should exercise extreme caution, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said today. There was no specific terrorist threat in Turkey but people had to be aware of the potential for danger, Mr Downer said. We have no information that any terrorist attacks are being planned in Turkey at this time, including Gallipoli," he said.
"But it is important that if people go to public places, crowded places, in Turkey, that they do exercise extreme caution. "There have been terrorist attacks in the past in Turkey, people have been killed by terrorists in Turkey."
Mr Downer urged Australians among the expected 20,000 people at Gallipoli on Anzac Day to read the Government's Turkish travel advisory and to lodge their names with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's register.
Posted by: God Save The World 2005-04-20