
103 of the 9,000 unvaccinated Marines are discharged: Military begins to honorably discharge more than 30,000 active duty service members who are refusing the shot
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • The Marines Corps is booting 103 active members for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, according to reports

  • The news comes as military services begin to discharge up to 30,000 active duty service members who have continued to refuse the shot

  • On Thursday, the Marine Corps said that 95 percent of its 182,500 Marines had received at least one vaccine shot, the lowest percent among military services

  • Navy says 98 percent of active-duty soldiers have gotten at least one dose of COVID vaccine, but remaining two percent or 5,731 soldiers have refused

  • Army says 97.9 percent of active-duty soldiers have been vaccinated but remaining two percent are slated to be discharged beginning in January

  • Air Force has a 97.5 percent while the Marine Corps has 95 percent vaccinated

  • On Monday, the Air Force became the first military branch to terminate unvaccinated members, firing 27 airmen for rejecting mandatory COVID jab

  • The Pentagon announced earlier this year that the COVID-19 vaccine would be mandatory for all service members, including the National Guard and Reserve

Posted by: Skidmark 2021-12-18