
A Christmas Miracle! December Sees Antifa Thugs Prison-bound!
[PJ] Let’s take a look at some of the non-binary creatures who will be celebrating Christmas, and perhaps a few more Christmases, in orange jumpsuits.

Salad-dodger Jacob Michael Gaines traveled from Texas to Oregon to play tough gal with federal law enforcement. He attacked a U.S. Marshal with a hammer, striking the officer three times, back in July of 2020. He pleaded guilty to assaulting a federal officer with a deadly weapon.

The judge sentenced him to 46 months in prison.

FACT-O-RAMA! Jacob Chansley, the so-called "Q Anon Shaman," got 41 months in the hoosegow and didn’t touch a soul.

It’s not a party without a 12-pack of Corona. Antifa yobbo Justin Christopher Moore was arrested last week for bringing half a case of Molotov cocktails with the intention of burning down a Seattle police station. He has yet to be sentenced. The feds usually take arson seriously.

Richard Rubalacava was sentenced Thursday to a whopping 85 months in prison (seven years) for setting fire to a Minneapolis Dollar General after he looted it. He then went on to torch a restaurant. The judge hit him with a fine of over $354,000. No word if his hair colorist was arrested for committing crimes against decency.

Nineteen-year-old Gabriel Agard-Berryhill pleaded guilty this week to tossing an incendiary device at a courthouse and causing $1,000 worth of damage. He is expected to be sentenced to time served and two years probation, which, if he is smart, and that’s a big if, should keep him out of the Antifa Olympics for a while.
More at link. Comparisons to J6 detainees are sickening.
Posted by: Bobby 2021-12-19