
Nuggets from the Urdu Press
Great Game in Balochistan
Writing in Jang Nazeer Naji stated that last in November former US ambassador Robert Oakley went and met Nawab Bugti at Dera Bugti. After that, an organisation supportive of the PML government developed relations with the Baloch nationalists and thereafter a website appeared which was updated from London. What followed was terrorist attacks by BLA which no one owned up. Another Great Game was on in Balochistan and there was only one power which could be involved in it.

Khushi Masih becomes Ghulam Nabi
According to daily Pakistan one 75 year old Christian Khushi Masih used to sit outside a mosque in Pakpattan and listen to the mellifluous voice of the cleric Ghulam Rasul Naqshbandi. So musical was the voice of the cleric that one day Khushi decided to embrace Islam. After he became Muslim his name was changed to Ghulam Nabi and the town was overjoyed. It was not explained what happened to his legal Christian wife.

Stephen Cohen bribed into writing book
Writing in Insaf, Prof Naeem Masud stated that American writer Stephen Cohen had the guts to stand up in Lahore and say that Qazi Hussain Ahmad would not suit Pakistan while a liberal leader would. Stephen Cohen — as apparent from the name "Cohen" — was a Jew who had written on Pakistan army in the past and had been paid by those in control of Pakistan to write his present book The Idea of Pakistan. Had Cohen been familiar with the true spirit of Islam, its jihadi philosophy and its intellectual tradition he would not be a Jew but a Muslim and would have written his book differently. The fact is that Jews killed Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali from behind the scenes. They were also behind the dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971. Cohen had spoken against the liberal leader Qazi Hussain Ahmad. He should not be given khuli chchuti to pronounce judgements on our leaders.

Urdu columnists receive big money
Writing in Jang, columnist Abdul Qadir Hassan alias Bhola complained that the rulers of today did not want bad news about them to be published but they wanted the columnists to praise them. These days an event is arranged after which a bevy of columnists writes about it in various ways in the weeks to follow. The columnist serving the ruler as a trend began in the Bhutto era and is now full-fledged. There were malpractices in it too as some columnists received big money from the rulers and were richer than other honest columnists. The newspaper owners didn't mind it as they too could use the 'paid' columnist to get in touch with the rulers.

America Russia India in Balochistan
According to Nawa-e-Waqt, two KGB spies had disclosed that America asked Russia and India to guard its interests in Afghanistan and Balochistan, for which American and Indian spies with resources had entered Balochistan in 2002 and stayed with Nawab Khair Baksh Marri and his son Balach Marri. After that a training camp for terrorists was started in Marri territory of Kohlu. Balach Marri was made the head of the Balochistan Liberation army (BLA) that started its campaign of terrorism in the province. Weapons and explosives were gathered in Kishan Garh a small locality near the Punjab-Sindh border with India. From this Indian locality, the munitions were sent through Punjab and Sindh to Balochistan. In 2002, there were 55 training camps for BLA in Balochistan where 550 terrorists took training. America wanted to control the trade routes of Central Asia and isolate China while India wanted China to stay away from the region.

Hafiz Saeed's advice
Writing in Khabrain, chief of the banned Lashkar-e-Tayba Hafiz Saeed said that his word of advice to President Musharraf was that he should read the Quran and study the hadith carefully and choose his course by avoiding the mistakes of past rulers. Musharraf's responsibilities were heavy and he had to restore Pakistan broken in half. The sacrifices made in Kashmir should not be allowed to go waste. Hindu banya was depriving Pakistan of waters. Friendship with India was going nowhere if not in favour of India.

Mukhtar Mai and Mira
Daily Jang reported two women under attack in Pakistan. Mira the actress was receiving death threats for acting in an Indian movie and kissing a Hindu actor in it. The other was Mukhtrar Mai of South Punjab who was receiving death threats from the men who had raped her in a gang-rape sanctioned by a village panchayat.

Hindu is a snake
Writing in Khabrain Shaukat Hussain Shaukat stated that a Hindu was a snake which became more and more poisonous if you gave it milk out of kindness. The Hindu will never refrain from biting you. He was expressing friendship because he wanted to retain possession of territories he had illegally acquired from Pakistan. A Hindu cared for only women, money and land, but a Muslim cared only for the Hereafter.

Pervez Musharraf and America
Writing in Jang, Asghar Nadeem Syed stated that looking at President Musharraf and his broad chest and his iron fist one presumed that he would be able to prevent the Americans from harming Pakistan or kill him. Bhutto too thought he was powerful but was hanged. When Pervez Musharraf was recently greeted in Multan as the guest of the city of mangoes, he should have remembered that General Zia had died because of a crate of mangoes in his C130 plane.

Allama Muhammad Asad (1900-1992)
Columnist Irshad Haqqani wrote in Jang that Muhammad Asad was an Austrian Jew Leopold Weiss who converted to Islam and became Muhammad Asad in his friendship with the House of Saud. After 1947, Allama Asad began research on Islam in Pakistan then served as Pakistan's deputy permanent representative at the UN under Zafrullah Khan. He was ousted because of Zafrullah Khan's dislike of him. In that Zafrullah was helped by Ahmad Shah Patras Bukhari. Asad lived in Spain and died there in 1992. His work was still lying unpublished with his wife. The column appealed that Pakistan should publish it.

Pak students support homosexuality?
According to Khabrain many people had demanded the resignation of education minister General Javed Qazi for allowing two girls and three boys students of class 9 to go to Canada to participate in a speaking competition in support of homosexuality. Jamaat leader Prof Ghafoor said this offence of the education minister who gave Rs 2 lakh to Canada-bound students came in the wake of Aga Khan Board's distribution of a questionnaire asking school children about their girl friends. Mufti Munib of Moon-Sighting Committee also condemned the participation of Pak students in the debate "if they were not opposing the motion".
Posted by: Fred 2005-04-23