
Ancient history links for the folks who don't remember the 70s scandals
Since past names like Park and such are coming up it time for ancient history lessons for the younger folk.

These links are some easy ones from a Google of:
Burt Lance BCCI

Be creative in your research - take the names from the current oil for food and canada gov scandals and cross search with
BCCI, Burt Lance, Jackson Stephens, savings and loan crash, koreagate, ricegate, mena, opium, cocaine, Afganistan, atomic, Pakwakiland, islamic bomb, jimmy carter, Warren Christopher, Clark Clifford, Studio 54, Pierre and Margaret Trudeau,

Thanks to google - BTW these links are all biased one way or another..

example of some typical hits:

A Greens complaint that ties both parties to the scandals

Murky network
The body of investigative reporter Joseph Casolaro was found in Martinsburg, West Virginia, with his wrists slashed on August 10, 1991. Near the body was a six-word suicide note: "I'm sorry, especially to my son," reported London's Daily Telegraph.
denver post praising kerry for standing up to BCCI

Pamala Harrison, Warren Christopher, Lloyd Bentsen, Les Aspin, Bill Clinton appointed her ambassador to France,

Jackson Stevens who first introduced Hassan Abedi, the founder of BCCI, to Clark Clifford and Burt Lance.

Free Republic: "Clinton Timeline"
It also ties into all that Mena Ark stuff...
My guess it all goes back to Carter and the RoseGarden!

Have fun doing your research and tying it into our current mess!

Posted by: 3dc 2005-04-23