
Organizer of attack on Grozny OMON base killed
Chechen police have killed the so-called amir (war baron) of Grozny in the course of a security sweep. The man presumably headed an attack on the base of Chechen OMON riot police on April 20. "Investigating into the militants' attack, officers of the Chechen Interior Ministry discovered a band headed by a new amir of Grozny codenamed Dzhanak," press secretary of the Chechen Interior Ministry Ruslan Atsayev told Tass on Friday. Dzhanak was killed in a security sweep in the Staropromyslovski district of the Chechen capital, his accomplices are being searched for. Atsayev said Dzhanak had masterminded and personally took part in the attack on the base of the Chechen OMON police in Grozny and mining a Niva car exploded at the base later on. One policeman and one OMON officer were wounded in the attack.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2005-04-23