
Iranian agents accused of liquidating Kurdish official
Kurds living in Norway believe Iranian agents were behind the killing at the weekend of Taher Hamidi, a former Kurdish guerilla commander, Aftenposten newspaper reported on Wednesday.
Have they started doing that again? Bad ayatollahs!
"This was my first thought when I heard that he had been killed," Mohammad Kharzi, a former Kurdish guerrilla who once fought with Hamidi, told Aftenposten, Norway's leading broadsheet. "The Iranians have earlier shown that they do not hesitate in killing Kurds who have been fighting for the guerilla and live in European cities." Hamidi fought for the anti-Teheran Kurdistan Worker's Party PKK during the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s. He was stabbed in his taxi in the western city of Stavanger, some 40 kilometres (25 miles) west of Oslo late on Sunday. The fact that local currency worth several hundred euros (dollars) was found untouched in the taxi has strengthened the theory among Kurdish refugees in Norway that professionals were behind the killing. Norwegian police have been reluctant to comment on the murder while it is still being investigated and say they have very little evidence to work from.
"Ya, sure. There's not much evidence. We have a dead body with a knife in his back, a taxi, and a trail of blood. Otherwise, not much..."
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-08-07