
Taliban orders beheadings... for MANNEQUINS: Afghan clothes stores are told their dummies' heads offend Islam
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Sheikh Aziz-u-Rahman - head of the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Herat - ordered shopkeepers in Herat province to remove mannequin's heads

  • They said models are 'idols' which are banned under their strict version of Islam

  • Initially, shopkeepers were told they had to dispose of mannequins completely

  • But after complaints it would ruin business, Taliban ruled only heads had to go
The ruling was issued this week by the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice in Herat, which is responsible for administering the Taliban's strict interpretation of Islam.

Since recapturing Afghanistan over the summer in a rapid advance behind the back of withdrawing American troops, the Taliban has been slowly restricting the freedoms of its population while claiming to the world that it has 'reformed'.

Women and girls were immediately confined to their homes for 'safety', while the Taliban set about largely removing them from workplaces and schools.

In recent weeks, the Islamists also banned women from taking long-distance road trips without a male guardian and said they must also wear a veil while in the car.

At the same time, they banned all music in vehicles and said that 'intoxicating' substances were also prohibited.

Drivers should also stop their vehicles at prayer times in a 'proper place' so that prayers can take place, the ruling added.

Afghanistan, propped up for two decades by support funds from western nations and aid money, has all-but collapsed since the Taliban retook control.

Aid money has dried up, and while western nations have promised billions in funding, they are still wrangling over ways to get in into the country without handing it to the Islamists.
Posted by: Skidmark 2021-12-31