
Kazakhstan Protest News Roundup
Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
See also here and here.
President of Kazakhstan introduces a state of emergency in the Mangystau region and Alma-Ata
[REGNUM] Decrees on the introduction of a state of emergency on the territory of the Mangistau region and in Alma-Ata were signed by the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. This was announced on January 4 by the press service of the administration of the Kazakh leader.

The state of emergency will operate on the territory of the Mangistau region and in the city of Alma-Ata from January 5, from 01:30 hrs to 00:00 hrs on January 19, 2022. It is introduced in order to ensure public safety, restore law and order, and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens.

At Aktau International Airport, some flights were delayed or canceled
[REGNUM] Some flights were delayed or canceled at the Aktau international airport in Kazakhstan. This is evidenced on January 5 by the data on the online scoreboard.

The flight from Atyrau was canceled, flights from Almaty, Nur-Sultan and Tbilisi were delayed. The reasons for the delay and cancellation of flights were not specified. There is no information on when the delayed flights will take off.

It should be reminded that protest actions are taking place in a number of cities of Kazakhstan against the increase in prices for liquefied gas for cars. In Alma-Ata, actions escalated into clashes between protesters and security forces, police officers used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.

Earlier, IA REGNUM reported that the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, signed decrees on the introduction of a state of emergency on the territory of the Mangistau region and in Alma-Ata.

A curfew was introduced in Alma-Ata and Mangystau region during an emergency
[REGNUM] A curfew was introduced for the period of the state of emergency in Alma-Ata and the Mangistau region. This follows from the text of the decree, which was signed on January 4 by the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev.

As stated in the document, the curfew is introduced for the entire period of the state of emergency and will operate from 23200 hrs to 0700 hrs local time. In addition, any strikes, rallies, peaceful gatherings and public events are prohibited in Alma-Ata and Mangistau Oblast.

In Alma-Ata and the Mangistau region, a ban is introduced on the sale of weapons, ammunition, explosives, and poisonous substances. A special control regime will apply to the circulation of drugs, including narcotic and psychotropic drugs, as well as to the circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Earlier IA REGNUM reported that the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev introduced a curfew in Alma-Ata and Mangistau region. The state of emergency will operate from 5 to 19 January.

Commandants appointed in Alma-Ata and Mangystau region
[REGNUM] Commandant's offices will be created for the period of the state of emergency in Alma-Ata and the Mangistau region. Such an order was issued on January 4 by the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev.

The commandant's offices in the city in Alma-Ata and in the Mangistau region will be vested with the powers provided for by the law of Kazakhstan "On the state of emergency". The head of the police department of the city of Taymerdenov Kanat Daniyarovich was appointed commandant of the city of Alma-Ata . In the Mangistau region, the commandant's office will be headed by the head of the regional police department, Zhanarbek Baktybaev.

According to the decree on the state of emergency, the protection of public order, as well as objects of strategic importance and ensuring the vital activity of citizens, will be strengthened.

It is ordered to temporarily confiscate weapons and ammunition from individuals living in the territory of Alma-Ata and the Mangistau region. In addition, existing military equipment will be seized from legal entities. In the city of Alma-Ata, restrictions are imposed on freedom of movement, including vehicles. Entry into Alma-Ata and exit from the city for the duration of the state of emergency is limited.

Earlier IA REGNUM reported on the introduction of a curfew for the duration of the state of emergency in Alma-Ata and Mangistau region

Protests in Alma-Ata died down, demonstrators dispersed to their homes
[REGNUM] Massive protests in the city of Alma-Ata died down, the bulk of the protesters went home. This was reported on January 5 by eyewitnesses on social networks.

As of 04:00 hrs local time (01:00 hrs Moscow time), the streets of the city were empty, sometimes there are local clashes with the security forces. In the city, the explosions of stun grenades are still heard, but their intensity is gradually diminishing. In some places there are people with sticks and rods in their hands, but the bulk of the demonstrators have already left the streets and dispersed to their homes.

Recall that several hundred people gathered on January 4 in the central square of the city of Alma-Ata, protesting against the increase in prices for liquefied gas for cars. The protests escalated into riots and clashes with the security forces. Law enforcers used flash bangs and tear gas to disperse the crowd. Some of the protesters moved to the streets adjacent to the square.

Information about the possible victims and the material damage caused by the protesters, as well as the number of those detained, has not been reported to date.

Earlier, IA REGNUM reported on the introduction of a state of emergency, a curfew and the creation of commandant's offices in Alma-Ata and Mangistau region

The President of Kazakhstan is about to announce the resignation of the government
[REGNUM] President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev is planning to announce the resignation of the government . This was reported on January 5 by the news portal Zakon.kz.

It is indicated that the announcement of the resignation of the government of Kazakhstan will be made by the head of state in the morning of January 5. Information received by the portal from unnamed sources.

Let us remind you that mass protests are taking place in Kazakhstan in connection with the increase in prices for liquefied gas for vehicles. On January 4, protesters began to put forward demands for the resignation of the country's government headed by the president, the actions escalated into riots and clashes with the security forces. To disperse the crowd, law enforcement officers used flash grenades and tear gas.

Earlier IA REGNUM reported that the President of Kazakhstan introduced a state of emergency and a curfew on the territory of the Mangistau region and in Alma-Ata. In addition, in the city of Alma-Ata freedom of movement, including motor transport, is limited, entry and exit are limited.

Posted by: badanov 2022-01-05