
Big Left-Wing 'Dark Money' Groups Fund Schumer's Secretive Anti-Filibuster Ally
[THEEPOCHTIMES] Fix Our Senate, the obscure outfit leading a coalition of 70 liberal advocacy groups backing Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
...Senator-for-life from New York, renowned for his love of standing in front of cameras and microphones. Schumer has been a professional politician since 1975, when disco was in flower, which is 46.08818 years, or 322.61726 years in dog years. Senate minority leader as of 2017...
’s (D-N.Y.) anti-filibuster drive, is a left-wing "dark-money pop-up," according to a political nonprofit finance expert.

"Fix Our Senate may present itself as a standalone, grassroots activist group, but it’s actually a front for the Sixteen Thirty Fund, itself part of a $1.7 billion left-wing ’dark- money pop-up’ empire run by the shadowy consulting firm Arabella Advisors," said Capital Research Center (CRC) senior investigative researcher Hayden Ludwig.

"We call these fronts ’pop-ups’ because they’re websites which pop into existence, run attack campaigns, and disappear in an instant and almost never reveal their connection to Arabella or its nonprofits," Ludwig told The Epoch Times on Jan. 4.

The CRC is a conservative nonpartisan foundation that specializes in tracking trends among the most influential charities, nonprofits, and special-interest groups affecting the public policy process in the nation’s capital.

"We study unions, environmentalist groups, and a wide variety of nonprofit and activist organizations. We also keep an eye on crony capitalists who seek to profit by taking advantage of government regulations and by getting their hands on taxpayers’ money," CRC says of its purpose on its website.

Schumer promised earlier this week to seek a vote by Jan. 17 on abolishing or reforming the filibuster—the Senate’s "cloture" rule that requires 60 votes to end debate and vote on a proposal—if Senate Republicans block consideration of two election reform packages that are top priorities of the Democrats’ progressive, or far-left, faction.

Republicans argue the reforms—the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act—severely limit or eliminate entirely the use of photo IDs and related ballot security measures, and require that all proposed changes to state election laws have prior Department of Justice (DOJ) approval.

Posted by: Fred 2022-01-07