
Putin won't tolerate the seeds of a new color revolution in Kazakhstan
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
Kazakhstan articles can be seen here, here, here, here, here, and here.
[Rusvesna] The fact that the CSTO sent peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan is not surprising: such a mechanism plays into the hands of the Russian president, who would not tolerate a new color revolution at his side, said the famous American political scientist Peter Zalmaev.

"It was predictable. Such a mechanism is the least toxic for Putin, it is a kind of alternative to NATO: they say, look what we are capable of. This mechanism, the fourth chapter of the CSTO, is being used for the first time. It would be naive to expect that Putin would tolerate the seeds of yet another color revolution in Central Asia. This is simply unrealistic," said the expert.

According to Zalmayev, Putin understands that if he is very tightly drawn into the affairs of Kazakhstan, a game on two fronts will begin, an open gestalt with Ukraine, it is worth remembering the talks in Geneva.

"It is clear that it will be very difficult for Putin to operate on two fronts, so in the near future he will minimize Russia's participation in the affairs of Kazakhstan. Much will also depend on the consolidation of the elites. I am sure that the dismissal of Nazarbayev from the post of chairman of the Security Council of Kazakhstan was a deliberate agreement," the political scientist said.

Nazarbayev remains the father of the nation, it is impossible to say that they have finally got rid of him, and all this is done by mutual agreement, Zalmayev is convinced. In his opinion, Putin will be happy to withdraw the CSTO troops back.

"It is impossible to say that the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, 'leaked' Nazarbayev, gave him to be torn apart by the crowd. Because Tokayev remains Nazarbayev's henchman and successor, to whom he owes absolutely everything. They are very tied to each other, including in everything related to information about each other's offshores.

Everyone knows how the flight of the late Aliyev, Nazarbayev's former son-in-law, who for several years 'leaked' telephone conversations and documents, ended. Nobody wants such a repetition, but the elites have mutual compromising evidence," the political scientist summed up.

Posted by: badanov 2022-01-07