
The Vaccine Is A Dud, But That Won't Stop Push For Digital IDs
[AmericanThinker] To understand why the government seems determined to tag every citizen of every age with a digital ID, it is first necessary to understand the attitudinal evolution of political elites in Western countries. These elites appear to be losing their faith in the classical liberal emphasis on individual human freedom that was intellectually nurtured in the West by such thinkers as Kant, Voltaire, Locke, Bastiat, Mill, and Spencer and attained its clearest concrete political expression in the American Constitutional Republic. The essence of this revolution in political thought and practice is that it gave common people protection against the potential abuse of power of their ruling elites. Such protections included political theory that rooted individual rights in natural law and Divine Will as well as practical institutions such as the division of power between the states and central government, the further division of those powers between the legislature, executive, and judiciary, the rule of law, courts of law, the Bill of Rights, privacy rights, property rights, elections and so forth.

For many, C19 is more than just a jab.
Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed 2022-01-07