
What happened to Ted Cruz?
No single politician will end up being perfectly attuned to the needs of the voters. There is a reason Senator Cruz did not beat out Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, and didn’t try to in 2020.
[AmericanThinker] I know from the volume of email I've received on it that Ted Cruz's comments on January 6, 2021, calling it "a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol," have outraged many conservatives. Ted was once the darling of intellectually inclined conservatives, but I think the bloom is now off that rose.

Tucker Carlson used video of Cruz's comments as the keystone of a segment on how Republicans are being cowardly and granting Democrats their false premises on the riot at the Capitol being an insurrection or even a "terrorist attack." As Tucker put it, he was delivering talking points for Merrick Garland.

Posted by: The Walking Unvaxed 2022-01-07