
Bolton accused of trying to sack nutcase policy critic
EFL: John Bolton tried to fire a colleague after they clashed over US policy on infant formula in developing nations, according to a new allegation against President Bush's nominee for United Nations ambassador. Lynne Finney, who worked under Mr Bolton in the early 1980s, wrote to the Senate foreign relations committee on Friday, saying Mr Bolton mistreated her when they worked at the US Agency for International Development. Her accusation is one of three new salvos in a battle over Mr Bolton's nomination. On Sunday - the day after Ms Finney's letter was distributed to reporters by the Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer - Republican Senator Arlen Specter told CNN Mr Bolton's prospects of winning Senate confirmation as ambassador to the UN were "too close to call".
In her letter, Ms Finney said she was a lawyer-adviser working on policies when Mr Bolton called her into his office in late 1982 or early 1983. She wrote that he asked her to persuade delegates from other countries to vote with the US to weaken World Health Organisation restrictions on marketing of formula in the developing world. She said she refused because improper use of the formula can be deadly. Mr Bolton then "shouted that Nestle [one of the biggest producers of formula] was an important company and that he was giving me a direct order from President Reagan". "He yelled that if I didn't obey him, he would fire me," she wrote. "I said I could not live with myself if even one baby died because of something I did ... He screamed that I was fired."

This is Lynne Finney:
Lynne is an award-winning author, educator, life coach, motivational speaker, lawyer and retired psychotherapist who specializes in helping people live more fulfilling lives. She was born into the madhouse of Hollywood's fantasy factory. Her mother was an artist and her father an award-winning screenwriter and novelist. She and her parents were portrayed in magazines as "the perfect family", but behind this facade was a nightmare world of violence and sexual abuse that lasted from the time Lynne was born until she was eight years old. Lynne had four near-death experiences that profoundly impacted her life. Pervasive feelings of being bad and worthless because she of the abuse drove Lynne to overachieve to prove she had some value. She says overachieving and perfectionism are also dysfunctional effects of abuse, although less recognized than withdrawing or underachieving.
Lynne spent many years clearing out limiting beliefs and self-defeating patterns from the past and learning forgiveness, compassion, connection with our inner power,and Self-realization. She discovered a life-changing truth: that everyone and everything in our lives is a gift designed to bring us to enlightenment. One of her main messages is that no matter what has been done to you or what you have done, you can heal. There are no exceptions. In fact, you are already pure, healed, and whole - a divine spirit. You are atoms and molecules, tiny particles spinning around, more space than matter, strings of energy. How can energy be sick or injured? Go inside and realize who you are. All the answers you need are inside.

Lynne has created many realities for herself as diplomat, United Nations policy advisor to the Agency for International Development, and a professor at law schools in Washington, D.C., California and Utah. Her work as an attorney-investigator for the House of Representatives Special Subcommittee on Investigations, the Subcommittee portrayed in the movie Quiz Show, led to her appointment as Chief Counsel to a U.S. Senator. After winning a landmark case against a federal banking agency, Lynne was appointed by President Carter's administration as the first woman director of that agency. She received an award for outstanding performance and was honored in a White House ceremony for establishing programs to assist women and minority-owned financial institutions. President Carter also appointed Lynne to the Steering Committee of a White House Task Force on Women where she helped women from Alaska to Hawaii establish business networks. She founded the first network for women business executives in Washington, D.C., and the first network for female United Nations delegates in Geneva, Switzerland, where she was a U.S. Delegate.

This is her website:
These pages, updated sporadically, are dedicated to each one of you. My mission is to help people overcome limiting beliefs, realize who we really are, tap into our inner power, live with passion, and discover the amazing power of our minds - and see the miracles all around us.
Since September 11, many people have experienced fear and uncertainty. However, we have also been seeing powerful positive changes and transformation coming out of these tragic events. Many heroes have emerged and we are becoming kinder to each other, taking care of each other, and realizing that we are all connected. We are becoming One.
These events are a jump start into a new reality and new ways of dealing with challenges. This is a time of rapid evolution and intense transformation for us all. New discoveries in quantum physics, psychology, and spirituality are revealing ways to create wonderful new realities. It's estimated that more than 14 million people have already become enlightened or Self-realized. Some are visible but most lead ordinary lives. Each time someone reaches Self-realization, it affects the collective Mind. Things are heating up. Like popcorn, we are all popping faster and are reaching enlightenment at a rapid rate. At times, it may be challenging to keep your faith and to realize that God/Love/Truth/Beauty/ Universe/Light/ Spirit/Energy/your true Self are in control and all is well. Go inside in silence and know that it is true. All the answers you need are inside you.
You are spirit, energy, light, consciousness, a divine creation, powerful beyond imagining, perfect, and part of all that is. I can only offer insights from my journey to help you remember what you already know. All answers and healing come from the infinite power of your own mind. My intention is to help you overcome limiting beliefs and discover who you really are - and have fun along the way.
The most powerful technique I found for awakening to my true Self is the Self-inquiry technique I learned from Tibetan monks and Master Nome in Santa Cruz, California, a disciple of one of India's most revered saints, Sri Ramana Maharshi. This Self-inquiry technique is part of my new CD, Connecting with the Universe - Meditations for enlightenment and Self-realization - and the entire CD track describing this technique and how to use it are recorded on the "New CD & New Book" page of this web site. It is my gift to you. This technique changed my life. To listen, just click on the flashing butterflies and then scroll down to the Listening Room. My newspaper interview with Tibetan monks provides more information about the Self-inquiry technique and is on the "Articles" page of this site.
In this new millennium, we entered an era of human evolution where we can reinvent ourselves and create new realities. We all have the ability to clear out our limiting beliefs and behaviors and tap into the infinite power of Consciousness. I've spent many years learning how to do this for myself and would like to pass on what I've discovered to you. I hope my work is helpful. But the truth is that you are already enlightened. Self-realization is not something we earn or "get." It's who we are - our true nature. You only have to realize it.

You are all in my prayers. I wish you joy, peace, love, and many miracles in this time of ascension.
Love and blessings,

Any questions?

Posted by: Steve 2005-04-25