
Frist Says He's Not Interested in Deals!
Reacting to a Democratic offer in the fight over filibusters, Republican leader Bill Frist said Tuesday he isn't interested in any deal that fails to ensure that the Senate votes on confirmation for all of President Bush's judicial nominees.
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid had been quietly talking with Frist about confirming at least two of Bush's blocked nominees from Michigan in exchange for withdrawing a third nominee. This would have been part of a compromise that would have the GOP back away from a showdown over changing Senate rules to prevent Democrats from using the filibuster to block Bush's nominees.
I bet he didn't let on to the other Democraps that he was making a deal.
If this is a repeat then I apologize, but when the Dems talk about 'compromise' then you can bet they are in a position of weakness. I am beginning to think they punched themselves out over John Bolton and don't have any dirty tricks left to oppose the judicial nominees. If these judges were so controversial last session then what makes them acceptable now? I wouldn't put any money on those polls that the MSM are throwing out about the lack of support in this area for the CONTITUTIONAL option. If the polls were that bad then you can bet the Dems would be standing defiant as ever and the MSM would be applauding them. Kudos to Frist for telling them to pound sand over this.

Posted by: Cyber Sarge 2005-04-26