
Iraq death car arrives in Italy
The car in which an Italian secret agent died shielding a hostage from US "friendly fire" in Iraq has arrived in Italy for investigators to inspect. An Italian air force cargo plane delivered the Toyota Corolla to a base near Rome days after reports suggested America had cleared its soldiers. Rome is still investigating the death of agent Nicola Calipari, who died as his car approached a US checkpoint. Prosecutors are due to examine the car at the Practica di Mare air base, the Associated Press news agency reports.
They just got the damm car? I hope we got a lot of good pictures before we handed it over.
Testimony from Ms Sgrena, a journalist for communist newspaper Il Manifesto, and a second intelligence agent who also survived, appears to conflict with what US soldiers said about the shooting. Analysis of bullet damage to the vehicle is expected to provide key data on how close the soldiers were to the car and from what angle they fired.
Posted by: Steve 2005-04-27