
NYT and WP have long become yellow press
So, too, say we here at Rantburg. Regularly.
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[REGNUM] The American press continues to discredit itself by publishing deliberately false information about the allegedly impending Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as describing the various consequences of this fake invasion.

According to the director of the Foundation for the Study of the United States. Franklin Roosevelt at Moscow State University Yuri Rogulev, such publications, in particular in the largest American newspaper The New York Times, are a reflection of the ongoing information-psychological war. Rogulev stated this in an interview with RT.

"There is no other way to call it. Because we see that this pressure is gaining momentum and is taking on the character of a war," Rogulev emphasized.

The expert also stressed that publications such as The New York Times and The Washington Post in the United States have long been losing their audience and have become an analogue of the "yellow press."

"They long have turned into an analogue of the yellow press. Anything is printed, any articles, without any reliance on facts, with sheer fabrications," Rogulev noted.

As REGNUM reported earlier , the entire leading American press, as if by order, writes that Russia is allegedly preparing an invasion of Ukraine and paints the details of this fake "invasion". The data differ only in how many hours Kiev will fall (options: 48 hours, 72 hours), how many victims will be (50 thousand people, 85 thousand people) and how many Ukrainians will flee to the European Union (from 5 million or more).

At the same time, all the American and European press writing about this refer to some anonymous sources in intelligence, the highest echelons of power, and so on.

WP: Russian troops invading Ukraine are 70 percent ready
[REGNUM] Western media continue to spread false information about Russia's allegedly impending invasion of Ukraine. Now the American newspaper The Washington Post, citing "sources from among officials and intelligence officers," writes that Russia allegedly "pulled to the borders of Ukraine" about 70 percent of the forces and means for a large-scale invasion of this country.

Russia is said to have trained as many as 83 battalion tactical groups, each with about 750 troops. Allegedly, 60 such groups were recorded near the Ukrainian border two weeks ago.

In addition, Russia is allegedly preparing to carry out landing attacks along the coast from warships of the Black Sea Fleet. Also, The Washington Post, following other American media, replicates the statement that the Russians will need two days to take Kiev.

WP writes that Russia's invasion of Ukraine will lead to the death of at least 50 thousand people, cause a humanitarian crisis and provoke a wave of refugees up to 5 million people.

It is worth noting that Reuters has already spread a fake that Russia is preparing an invasion of Ukraine. According to Reuters, which also refers to intelligence, Kiev will fall in the same two days, but there will be a few more victims - 85,000 people.

It is noteworthy that the Associated Press, whose journalist Matthew Lee questioned the statements of the official Washington about the allegedly impending Russian invasion of Ukraine, wrote that the credibility of the official statements of the White House has seriously fallen in recent years, as administration officials constantly lie and propagandize.

Kiev could fall 'within days' - Reuters
[REGNUM] In the event of a "full-scale invasion" of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the number of possible victims of a potential conflict could reach 85,000, unnamed US officials told Reuters.

They considered that the Armed Forces of Ukraine could lose 5,000 to 25,000 troops, Russian troops - 3,000 to 10,000. At the same time, 25,000 to 50,000 thousand people could die among the civilian population.

In addition, Reuters adds that "if the Russian Federation invades Kiev," then the capital of Ukraine could fall "within a few days," and "millions of refugees will pour into Europe."

It is noted that the Russian Federation has about 70 percent of the combat power that is allegedly required for a "full-scale invasion" of Ukraine.

Russia has repeatedly denied accusations of allegedly preparing an attack on Ukraine.

Posted by: badanov 2022-02-07