
Hunter Biden tried to broker a $120million oil deal between Chinese energy firm now under US sanctions and former Kazakhstan prime minister who has been accused of treason in hopes of pocketing a fortune, laptop emails reveal
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Emails obtained by DailyMail.com show Hunter Biden worked with former Kazakh prime minister Karim Massimov to try to pull off a $120M pipeline deal

  • The oil deal involved Massimov, who's now accused of treason, and the State China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), now under US sanctions

  • The president's son traveled to Beijing and Kazakhstan in 2014 and 2015 to broker the deal on behalf of a Ukrainian gas firm Burisma as a board member

  • The venture came years after a similar oil deal had faced opposition from Western energy firms

  • Devon Archer, Hunter's longtime friend and business partner at Burisma wrote to Hunter that he was excited that the offer could make them rich

  • Emails show their plan was for the Kazakh government to grant drilling rights to CNOOC, with the rigs and wells being operated by Burisma

  • It is unclear from Hunter's emails whether they pulled off either deal

  • The State Department's sanctions only cover CNOOC's activity in the South China Sea, not their other global operations

Posted by: Skidmark 2022-02-09