
Protesters to party as tent village comes down
The tents in Martyrs' Square will come down Saturday after one last rally that promises to feel more like a party, as the protesters there say their job is done and it's time to move on. "Who could have ever imagined we would get everything we asked for," exclaimed Edmond Rabbat, one of the organizers. "The Syrian troops have retreated, [Syrian President Bashar] Assad went on television and said he had made mistakes. I mean, it's unbelievable!"

Protesters also point to the fact that the United Nations team on its way to Lebanon to investigate the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri and a UN verification team will come to make sure the Syrian withdrawal has been completed. "The truth will take time to come out, and we will keep doing what we can to ensure this international commission uncovers it," adds Rabbat. After nearly 70 days, the protesters may be more than ready to leave, as small squabbles seem to be breaking out. A planned news conference Wednesday in Martyrs' Square was cancelled after protesters failed to agree on who should read a prepared statement.
It is Lebanon, after all...

Posted by: Fred 2005-04-28