
CDC director: Now that we've got your attention ... nothing's changing
[Hot Air] Remember that non-alignment NBC News noted between the Biden administration and Democratic governors chafing at eternal masking? When the White House hurriedly added a COVID-19 press briefing from its task force to the schedule this morning, most people expected to see a shift in the "science" to reflect support for blue-state rollbacks.

Instead, CDC director Rochelle Walensky delivered ... a heapin’ helping of the status quo:

Then what was the purpose of adding a briefing today? Apparently, the White House knew it would get lots of questions about Biden’s gubernatorial allies breaking ranks on the pandemic restrictions, thanks to their own political "science," so to speak. Rather than bend to the reality that Americans — including some of Biden’s fellow Democrats —have begun revolting against these restrictions, the CDC and Walensky wants to double down on them instead. For now, anyway.

If that was going to be the message, though, why hold a last-minute press briefing? Walensky et al could have just released a statement to the same effect without raising expectations of some kind of change. This White House has proven remarkably incompetent at that kind of expectations management.

The data on the CDC’s tracking website might give a hint as to why they’re reluctant to move at the moment. Daily deaths with COVID-19 diagnoses attached have plateaued but not yet started declining, and deaths are a lagging indicator:
Posted by: Besoeker 2022-02-10